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7 Days YRC Camp was organized by the Indian Red Cross Society, Haryana at Varindavan from 1st to 7th, 2022

Posted on 24/11/2022

7 Days YRC Camp was organized by the Indian Red Cross Society, Haryana at Varindavan from 1st to 7th, 2022. Red Cross Unit of Govt. College for women, Pali participated in this camp with Following four students and Incharge of YRC Mrs. Roshni S.No Student Name Class 1 Nishu Kumari B.Sc-III 2 Neetu Yadav B.Sc-III 3 Sargam B.A-I 4 Sushma B.Sc-III The students participated in various competitions held in camp.Nishu Kumari of B.Sc Final participated in Solo Song. All four students participated in Group song. Neetu Yadav of B.Sc final year participated in Solo Dance and Extempore Speech and won third position in Extempore speech competition.